Instructions for final submission for the WSC14 book
Here we would like to give you some important information about the final publication of the papers presented at the WSC14 conference. The papers will be published as an edited volume in the Springer "Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing" series, and is scheduled for early 2010. If you want your WSC14 paper to be published in this volume, please submit the final version of your paper and the book pre-order form by
*** December 15th, 2009 ***
You can find the necessary styles and information at the link:
(If this link does not work for you, go to, search for series "Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing" and follow the link "Instructions for Authors" to the right)
Please use the format "For contributed books, proceedings, and similar." As Latex author (highly recommended!), you will find an author template in the "templates"-subfolder of the "mult" folder. Otherwise, you will get a PDF documentation with instructions for authors.
Please prepare the final manuscript, taking into account:
On this webpage, use the link "Edit Submission" to make any changes regarding paper title, authors etc., and use the link "Upload File" to upload the archive file (please do not upload just the final paper as PDF file alone, but the complete archive file!)
The archive file must contain:
Please also fill-in the book pre-order form, and fax or scan-mail it to Springer directly (Fax-No. +49 (0)6221 345 4229, e-mail
*** NOTE ***: Each author is requested to submit a pre-order form, in order to have the paper published in the book (authors of more than one paper need only provide one pre-order of the book; award paper authors do not need to pre-order). The pre-orders can also be done by institutions (your library), but then the authors discount will not apply. In case you do not pre-order by yourself, please inform us by separate email.