List of Accepted Papers
Instructions for authors of accepted papers:
(Notifications have been send on November 9, 2009) Please prepare
(1) a revised version of the paper (PDF file), and
(2) a slideshow presentation for your paper (Powerpoint or PDF file)
before the on-line conference starts on November 17, 2009. On conference opening, you will receive detailed instructions, where and how to provide your paper presentation files.
The paper should ***strictly*** follow the format guidelines (see paper submission link on WSC14 homepage). The presentation is free-format, and the choice and way of presentation is completely up to you. We strongly encourage you to make use of multimedia components to enrich your presentation, this way also to compensate a little for the lack of a real-world meeting and life audience experience of an on-line conference. Please consider means like:
- provide audio notes together with the slides (note that Powerpoint is providing such function)
- prepare a video file of your presentation, and upload it to a social networking service
- include flash or other animations in the presentation
- prepare links to on-line demonstrations
- etc.
The list of accepted papers:
- 6: New Trends of Soft Computing Methods for Industrial and Biological Processes
- 8: Bare Bones Particle Swarm Applied to Parameter Estimation of Mixed Weibull Distribution
- 11: Fully Automatic Boundary Extraction of Coronary Plaque in IVUS Image by Anisotropic Diffusion and T-S Type Fuzzy Inference
- 13: GA/SVM for Diagnosis Sleep Stages Using Non-linear and spectral features
- 14: Feature Selection Using Combine of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization
- 15: A New Evolutionary Based Approach for Solving the Uncapacitated Multiple Allocation p-Hub Median Problem
- 18: Prostate boundary detection in ultrasound images based on type-II fuzzy sets and modified fuzzy c-means
- 19: Nash Dominance with Applications to Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints
- 24: Embedding a KM Type Reducer for High Speed Fuzzy Controller Into an FPGA
- 25: Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation of Business Processes
- 27: Structural Optimization using Harmony Search Algorithm
- 28: Prediction of the hERG potassium channel inhibition potential with use of the artificial neural networks
- 29: Computational Intelligence in Speech and Audio Processing: Recent Advances
- 30: Distributed multimedia computing using intelligent agents
- 31: Michigan Style Fuzzy Classification for Gene Expression Analysis
- 33: An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Simulation of pedestrians behaviour at unsignalized roadway crossings
- 34: Dynamic Time Warping of Segmented Times Series
- 37: An Application of Fuzzy Lyapunov Synthesis in the Design of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers
- 38: Optimization of Co-Rotating Twin-Screw Extruders Using Pareto Local Search
- 45: Cost Effective 3D Localization Based on Sparse Distance Information
- 46: Access control and resource allocation for peer-to-peer video streaming based on fuzzy logic
- 47: Selection of points inside cutoff radius by scanning all points sorted in memory
- 51: Classification of Pressure Drop Devices of Proto Type Fast Breeder Reactor Through Seven Layered Feed Forward Neural Network
- 53: Efficient Predictive Control Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Hammerstein Models: a Case Study
- 54: Music Visualization by Means of Comb Filter and Relaxation Time According to Human Perception
- 55: A Cellular Genetic Algorithm for Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
- 57: Supervised fuzzy clustering based initialization of fuzzy partitions for decision tree induction
- 59: Fuzzy C-Means Based Stop Line and Cross-walk Placement at Right Turn Vehicle Exclu-sive Lane
- 60: Bio-inspired Optimization methods for Designing Fuzzy Logic Controllers Ap-plied to Linear Plants
- 61: Fault Detection of the Tennessee Eastman Process Using Improved PCA and Neural Classifier
- 62: Object Recognition using Simulated Evolution on Fourier Descriptors
- 63: Feature Selection for Bankruptcy Prediction: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
- 67: A Single Neuron PID Controller Based on Immune Tuning